UNIX Command Line, for Artists and Activists

Hosting, dates and general information

Workshop Description

This is a 4-day, 40hr intensive aimed at anyone interested in leveraging the power and ubiquity of the UNIX command line in their practice. No prior experience is required of participants.

A full description of the workshop can be found here.


Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev.

Hosting this workshop abroad

As with our popular NETworkshop, we welcome invitations to teach this intensive workshop abroad.

We can teach up to 20 people simultaneously and would prefer to teach no less than 5. We charge a set fee, and expect both accommodation and travel to be covered.

Please use this contact form if you’re interested in hosting it at or organisation or institution, suggesting some dates. We travel 2 weeks a month on average and so the more notice you give us the more likely it is we can teach.
We’ll be in touch at our first available opportunity, detailing our fees and basic requirements.

UNIX Command Line workshops in Berlin

Travelling every month has its downsides and so we like to teach in our Berlin studio, for a significant ‘Berliner’ discount. Given space restrictions we can host only 10 people.

Please [get in touch here][5] if you’re interested and we’ll write back with dates, fees and other information.

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